Android- Switch, While Loop

other type of if statement:

switch (age) {
case = 1:




int counter = 0 \\easy start from a no.

while (counter <10 ) {


Android - if n else, multiple test

int test = 6; \\Main statement

if (){  \\if situation in blacket happen, then do within the brace

}else{ or else do this


multiple test with:
 ( state 1 && state 2) \\ and statement
 ( state 1 && state 2) \\ or statement

Android -double, systemOUT, scanner(UserInput)

double \\dealing with no. , with dp as well
exp: double tuna;
tuna = 5.28

System.out.println(); \\print the final word, any other thing after that will be next line

import java.util.Scanner; \\import so you can use the function
Scanner bucky(name it) = new Scanner( \\ bucky =
double (name variable);